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Executive Director: Hoang Thi Ngoc Ha (PhD)

Contact: Building F-Home, Lane 28, Xuan La str., Tay Ho district, Hanoi.

Tel: (+84) 398668346   Email:


The Center for Eco-Community Development (ECODE) is a Vietnamese non-government organization supporting sustainable natural resources use and resilient communities development towards green growth in the context of climate change.

ECODE is officially registered as member organisation of the Viet Nam Union of Science and Technology Associations (Decision No. 685 QD-VUSTA dated Sep 30, 2015), with an operation permit from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (dated October 12, 2015).

ECODE Center was developed from an interdisciplinary research group of Hanoi National University and the ECODE currently composed experienced and enthusiastic experts in the fields of climate change, ecology, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, community development, communications and sustainable development.

ECODE currently has the head office in Hanoi and maintains a network of consultants and collaborators locally. The Center has experience working with local partners in Vietnam’s coastal and mountainous provinces  (provincial, district and commune levels), including Biosphere Reserves and National Parks and Nature reserves.

We are also one of the first local NGOs interested in research on EbA, NbS and socio-ecological resilience in Vietnam, aiming to develop ecological communities.

Vision: To become one of Vietnam’s centers of excellence for Eco-community development towards a harmonious, prosperous and creative society.

Goals: Try to raise Eco-communities life quality; To preserve and promote values and resources of socio-ecological system contributing to sustainable development in the context of climate change.

Operational objectives:

  • To build capacity and quality of sustainable life for Eco-communities;
  • To preserve and promote socio-ecological system resources for green growth toward sustainable development in the context of climate change;
  • To support and motivate communities to take action to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, to make a green transition and practice circular economy.
  • To extensively apply the Ecosystem-based Approach (EbA), Nature-based Solutions (NbS), and Circular Economy for building Vietnamese Eco-communities.

Professional areas:

  • Climate change adaptation and Ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction (CCA-Eco-DRR)
  • Biodiversity conservation and Sustainable Development
  • Community development (livelihoods, training and communications)


  • Develop and implement Research and Development (R&D) projects on CCA-EcoDRR, NbS, Circular Economy, GHG and Eco-community development (livelihoods, training, communications) associated with biodiversity conservation and ecosystemrestoration;
  • Implementation the impact analysis and risk assessment (CCA-DRR-related, KAP, Baseline, M&E, E/SIA,…) and building action plan.
  • Providing training courses/ ToT and organize workshops/ meetings at the central and local level on the mentioned specialties.
  • Communications and Documentation and Policy advocacy
  • Providing consulting services on the above areas

Key approaches:

  • Socio-ecological system (SES)
  • Iinterdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach
  • Ecosystem-based approach and Nature-based Solutions (EbA – NbS)
  • Gender-based Approach


ECODE is currently a regular member of the center’s professional networks, including:

  • Vietnam Biosphere Reserve Network (VNBRN)
  • Vietnam Network of Non-Governmental Organizations and Climate Change (VNGO&CC); Climate change Working group (CCWG)
  • Network of Vietnamese NGOs And Strengthening Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (VNGO & FLEGT)
  • Vietnam Association of National Park and Protected Area (VNPPA)
  • Sustainable Agriculture & Natural Resource Management (SANRM)

Organizational structure:

ECODE Founders and Management Board​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Prof. DSc Truong Quang Hoc

Chairman of the Founding Council/Center Manager

Prof. DSc Truong Quang Hoc was granted a Doctor of Science degree in 1996 at the University of Wroclaw – Poland. He also studied and did scientific research at many universities and research institutes around the world such as the Institute … In the role of a lecturer and scientific research officer of the General University, now the Hanoi National University From 1966 until now, Prof. Truong Quang Hoc has developed programs, compiled learning materials and directly taught long and short-term training courses for many ministries, branches and localities on climate change, sustainable development and more recently is green growth. He is also the author of dozens of books on sustainable development, climate change, environmental resources and green growth,
GS. Truong Quang Hoc used to be the Head of Science and Technology Department, Vietnam National University, Hanoi. He has chaired and participated in 32 science – technology projects at all levels, including 16 international cooperation projects. 2000 – 2005) and In addition, from the past 10 years, he has been an expert/leader of consulting groups, researching and implementing projects for many ministries and branches such as the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. , Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Industry and Trade, ..; and many international organizations such as UNDP, World Bank, ADB, DANIDA, SNV,… and dozens of central agencies as well as provinces/cities.
Currently, Professor Truong Quang Hoc is participating in training graduate programs for 5 schools and training institutes in the fields of Sustainable Development, Green Growth, Climate Change,… and is a member of a number of Faculty Councils. study in institutions and training institutions. Hundreds of his MSc and doctoral students have developed, succeeded and made many positive contributions to the country in many different fields of work.

Dr. Hoang Thi Ngoc Ha

Center Director,
Member of the Founding Council/Manager
Expert on Climate Change and Eco-Community Development

Dr. Hoang Thi Ngoc Ha (Hoang Ha), is one of the few Vietnamese women with a PhD in Climate Change and she has worked for more than 2 decades in the field of community development, climate change and nature conservation. In addition to leading the ECODE Center, Ms. Hoang Ha is also an expert – Researcher & Trainer, as well as a R&D Project Manager.

Her forte areas of expertise are climate change and disaster risk management (CCA-DRR/EcoDRR), climate-resilient livelihoods, Gender and Nature-based Solutions (NbS- EbA), and biodiversity conservation. Having participated in more than 20 projects and many training courses for provinces, non-governmental organizations and universities, Dr. Ha is always committed to promoting green development associated with gender equality. Dr. Ha emphasizes interdisciplinary, community-based approaches that blend top-down and bottom-up strategies, as well as ecosystems and Nature-based Solutions (EbA – NbS), gender-inclusive practices, and cultural considerations in her projects. Alongside the ECODE team, she promotes circular production, low-carbon livelihoods, and green energy initiatives, aligning with Vietnam’s broader green transformation efforts. Since 2023, Ha is one of the five founding members of the GHGVietnam Partnership Network, where the ECODE Center plays an important role, and she is personally in charge of development research.

In all her capacities, she actively champions communication and advocacy on issues related to gender equality, sustainable development, and biodiversity conservation. A central focus of her work in all research and development endeavors is to advance gender mainstreaming, enhance capacity building, and amplify the engagement of women and marginalized communities, particularly ethnic minorities and poor people. Mrs. Ha is an active member of the Vietnam NGO’s Climate Change Working Group (CCWG), Network of Women Pioneers in Adapting to Climate Change in Vietnam, and Viet Nam Energy Women Network (VEWN). In 2021, Mrs. Ha was showcased by UN Women Asia and the Pacific at an international exhibition in Thailand, and 2023 featured on the UN Women Asia fanpage for her significant contributions to the intersection of Gender and Climate Change in Vietnam. In May-June 2024, Dr. Ha was awarded a scholarship by the New Zealand Government for a course on Renewable Energy Management at the University of Auckland.

(Further information about Mrs. Ha’s efforts in promoting gender equality SEE HERE; and some her recent publications HERE)

LLM. Phuong Thao

Project Coordinator

LLM. Phuong Thao graduated with a Master’s degree from Hanoi Law University in Economic Law. Before working at ECODE, Phuong Thao worked as an intern for Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) in 6 months. At the same time, Phuong Thao is a member of the Youth Climate Action Network (Ynet Vietnam). She has working as a project officer in ECODE since December 2022. In the present, she is holding the position of Project Coordinator.

With many years of experience working in developing seminar, training and coaching activities for officials working in National Parks, Nature Reserves in Vietnam and local communities.

Participating in basic research to build sustainable management and production models for Biosphere Reserves in Vietnam is one of the main tasks that Phuong Thao is undertaking at ECODE.

Đào Huy Giáp

Dr. Dao Huy Giap

Research Team Leader - Fisheries Expert - Integrated Coastal Zone Management

Dr. Dao Huy Giap has a Doctor of Science degree in Integrated Coastal Zone Management from the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand in 2005. He was the Education Director for the Eco Boat project, Director of the Science Department of UNESCO Vietnam. He was also a wetland expert for the Mekong River Commission, an economic consultant for FAO/World Bank in Vietnam, and also a Research Fellow at the National University of Singapore.

Dr. Dao Huy Giap is a core member of the ECODE Center, in charge of research development and implementation support. His priorities are to focus on developing sustainable agricultural livelihoods and green fisheries associated with nature conservation. Mr. Giap and his colleagues at the ECODE Center also pay special attention and make efforts to contribute to research and sustainable development of biosphere reserves in Vietnam.

Mrs. Tran Thu Thuy (MS) is an experienced researcher, trainer and consultant on Gender and Gender-based Violence (GBV) with more than 30 years of working in state agencies and development organizations. Mrs. Thuy received a Fulbright scholarship on Master of Arts in Public Administration in Maxwell School, Syracuse University, USA in 2000-2001 with the commitment to contribute her efforts to gender equality and women’s empowerment initiatives.

Mrs. Thuy’s expertise is in women’s issues, training to raise awareness on Gender and consulting to promote gender equality initiatives and women’s empowerment. Her outstanding experiences include conducting gender-focused analysis, planning, leadership training, and integrating gender into development plans and programs at all levels.

She places a high priority on promoting gender equality in girls’ education and has recently been actively involved in advocating for gender equality and women’s empowerment. In addition, Mrs. Thuy is also involved in integrating a gender perspective into natural disaster risk management and climate change adaptation as well as addressing gender-based violence.

Currently MSc. Tran Thu Thuy is a collaborator and senior advisor of the ECODE Center on Gender Equality and Gender-Based Violence issues. She is also a consultant for a number of projects on Women’s and Gender Equality issues.

Nguyen Thi Thu graduated with Bachelor Degree from the Academy of Finance in Accounting. Before working at Center for Eco-Community Development, Nguyen Thi Thu worked for Independent Auditing Consulting Company Limited – Hanoi Branch (IAC Hanoi) 8 years as an Accountant. Nguyen Thi Thu has worked in different environments for companies in the field of schools and beauty salons. She majored in accounting but is a environmental lover who cares about climate change and ecosystem. She is holding the position of Accountant at ECODE to have opportunities to devote to the environmental field.

Mr. Dang Hoang Ha is responsible for the design, planning and communication materials for ECODE Center’s projects and research, focusing on the areas that ECODE is prioritizing: nature conservation, community development, Gender and Gender-Based Violence (GBV), climate change and low carbon production.